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Course Description:
The Accounting for Non-Accountants (AFNA) training course is designed to qualify trainees to obtain a strong foundation in accounting as well as learn terms used in accounting in addition to the basic principles in the financial world associated with the accounting process. This course aims to provide trainees with the most important fundamentals of accounting as well as reading and analyzing financial statements, in addition to understanding the relationship between accounting and finance, understanding the use of debits and credits, recording financial transactions accurately and summarizing them in financial statements, identifying the major rules and principles of accounting under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), studying the new automated accounting systems, and making financial statements’ adjustments.
Course Outlines:
- The Conceptual Framework of Accounting
- Accounting Cycle
- Double Entry Theory
- Journal Posting
- Prepaid &
- Adjusting Entries
& Reclassification
- Classifying Accounts within Chart of Accounts
- Income Statement
& Balance Sheet
- Exercises and Practical Cases
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
The Intermediate Accounting (IA) training course is designed to enable trainees learn about the basics and certain complexities associated with the international accounting standards IAS along with the concepts and applications of the international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and to help them understand how these standards are used around the world and how to be used in practice.
Intermediate Accounting is one of the most important courses that builds a strong accounting basis and enables trainees who want to enrich their career by attending preparatory examination courses such as CMA, CIA, CFA, CPA, and DipIFR.
Course Outlines:
- Accounting: The Language of Business
- Financial Information
- Economic Entity
- Relevance
- Faithfull Representation
- Accounting Cycle
- The Accounting Equation
- The Recording Process
- Trial Balance
- Adjusting and Closing
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Financial Instruments
- Inventory
- Property, Plant and Equipment
- Intangible Assets
- Investment Property
- Teacher: Abdulazez Algenaimi
- Teacher: Dr. Wael Jakmiry
- Teacher: Dr. Dr. Muhammad Oukal

The Diploma in International Financial Reporting is an internationally recognized qualification in financial accounting using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS / IAS). It is accredited by the ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants) and is aimed at accounting and finance professionals who already have experience in accounting. On passing the final exam, the participant will be able to use the letters DipIFR after his/her name.
Course Outlines:
- International Sources of Authority
- Elements of Financial Statements
- Presentation of Financial Statements and Additional Disclosures
- Preparation of External Financial Reports for Combined Entities, Associates and Joint Arrangements
- Teacher: Dr. Dr. Muhammad Oukal

This practical course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of applying the most important International Financial Reporting standards to finance and accounting experts who are already familiar with fundamental accounting and reporting processes.
Practical applications of IFRS course is designed to support trainees with full guidance, examples and case studies, as needed on the job to develop and maintain IFRS knowledge; and keep up to date on new IFRS requirements.
Course Outlines:- Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
- IFRS 9 Financial Instruments
- IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts
- IFRS 16 Leases
- IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers

Course Description:
The CMA certification represents a broad business competency and mastery of the management-level skills required to add value, drive business performance, and build quality financial practices within organizations. CMAs provide employers with the ideal balance of three essential and interdependent business disciplines: accounting, management and strategy. This powerful combination of skills defines the CMA's unique value to an organization and makes the CMA the designation of choice!
Course Outlines:
- External Financial Reporting Decisions
- Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting
- Performance Management
- Cost Management
- Internal Controls
- Technology and Analytics
- Teacher: Abdulazez Algenaimi
- Teacher: Dr. Dr. Muhammad Oukal

Course Description:
The CMA certification represents a broad business competency and mastery of the management-level skills required to add value, drive business performance, and build quality financial practices within organizations. CMAs provide employers with the ideal balance of three essential and interdependent business disciplines: accounting, management and strategy. This powerful combination of skills defines the CMA's unique value to an organization and makes the CMA the designation of choice!
Course Outlines:
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Corporate Finance
- Decision Analysis
- Investment Decisions
- Professional Ethics
- Teacher: Dr. Dr. Muhammad Oukal

Course Description:
The Basel III Comprehensive Course covers the regulations established by the Bank for International Settlements and the Islamic Financial Services Board for the implementation of Basel III, as well as the latest reforms known as Basel IV, from 2017 to 2024 for both Islamic and conventional banks. Additionally, the course addresses the challenges and steps for implementation in Syria and various other countries. The course is structured into two levels, with each level comprising 40 training hours.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to the Basel Committee and its philosophy
- Key reasons for transitioning from Basel II to Basel III
- Capital adequacy under Basel III, including required buffers and estimation methods
- Challenges of implementing Basel III and IV in both conventional and Islamic banks in Syria
- Credit risk estimation using Basel III and Basel IV standardized approaches
- Operational risk estimation according to Basel IV
- Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) challenges in calculating under Basel III for Syrian banks
- Net Stable Funding Ratio under Basel III and the challenges of its calculation in Syrian banks
- Leverage ratio under Basel III and IV
- Practical examples from various banks and countries
- The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) Standard 23, issued in 2021, addresses the application of Basel III and IV for Islamic banks, focusing on capital adequacy ratios, leverage, liquidity, and credit risk estimation using standardized approaches
- Financial instruments for Syrian banks to enhance Basel III and IV compliance
- Enhancements Syrian banks can implement in financing and deposit contracts to comply with Basel III and IV requirements
- Teacher: Dr. Alaa Salhani

The CIA Part I provides a strong foundation in internal auditing, covering key frameworks of Governance, Risk Management, and Controls. It explains the principles of Internal Auditing and addresses risks related to fraudulent activities, along with effective controls to mitigate those risks.
Course Outlines:
- Foundation of Internal Auditing
- Independence and Objectivity
- Proficiency and Due Professional Care
- Quality Assurance and Improvement Program
- Governance, Risk Management, and Control
- Fraud Risks
- Teacher: Dr. Dr. Muhammad Oukal

The CIA Part II offers essential knowledge for Internal Auditing Assignments, covering planning, performing audits, communicating results, and monitoring progress. It also details how to gather relevant information and includes data analytics techniques for analyzing the data.
Course Outlines:- Managing the Internal Audit Activity
- Planning the Engagement
- Performing the Engagement
- Communicating Engagement Results and Monitoring Progress
- Teacher: Dr. Dr. Muhammad Oukal

The CIA Part III consists of three key segments. The first, Business Acumen, develops essential skills in business management, leadership, and decision-making. The second segment, Information Technology, covers the basics of IT hardware and software, along with important information security concepts. Lastly, the Financial Management segment focuses on financial accounting, management, and costing, providing foundational knowledge for effective financial decision-making. Together, these segments equip professionals with the skills needed for success.
Course Outlines:- Business Acumen
- Information Security
- Information Technology
- Financial Management
- Teacher: Dr. Dr. Muhammad Oukal

The Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) is the highest and most important internationally recognized professional certification. Its holder can demonstrate expertise in deterring, detecting and preventing fraud and financial crimes. This certification is awarded by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).
Course Outlines:- Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes
- Law
- Investigation
- Fraud Prevention and Deterrence
- Teacher: Dr. Wael Jakmiry

The CISA designation is a globally recognized certification for IS audit control, assurance and security professionals.
Being CISA-certified showcases your audit experience, skills and knowledge, and demonstrates you are capable to assess vulnerabilities, report on compliance and institute controls within the enterprise.
Course Outlines:- Domain 1: Information Systems Auditing Process
- Planning
- Execution
- Domain 2: Governance and Management of IT
- IT Governance
- IT Management
- Domain 3: Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation
- Information Systems Acquisition and Development
- Information Systems Implementation
- Domain 4: Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience
- Information Systems Operations
- Business Resilience
- Domain 5: Protection of Information Assets
- Information Asset Security and Control
- Security Event Management
- Teacher: Dr. Dr. Muhammad Oukal

The Integrated Diploma in Financial Analysis course has been carefully designed and studied by ALTANMYA to integrate the most advanced financial analysis methods implemented by the biggest financial consulting companies and banks in the world, with a wealth of case studies applied in this diploma.
Course Outlines:
Financial Statements
- Balance Sheet
- Income Statement
- Cash Flow Statement
Financial Statement Analysis
- Vertical & Horizontal Analysis
- Ratios Analysis
- Analysis of the Quality of Earning
Risk and Return, Portfolio
- Types of Risks
- Differences in Levels of Risk
- Expected return of a portfolio
Stock Valuation Models
- Dividend Model
- Market Multiple
- Free Cash Flow Model
Key Performance Indicators for Banks in Syria
- Sufficiency and Financial Leverage Assessment Indicators
- Efficiency Assessment Indicators
- Liquidity Assessment Indicators
- Assets and its Quality Assessment Indicators
- Profit and its Quality Assessment Indicators
- Teacher: Dr. Alaa Salhani

This Diploma in Feasibility Studies is distinguished by its integrated and unique methodology which connects various types of feasibility studies through studying many practical and realistic cases according to the latest methods used globally using Excel program in marketing and financial studies. By the end of diploma, trainees will be qualified to prepare a professional integrated feasibility study for their projects effectively and with low cost and time.
Course Outlines:- The Importance of Feasibility Studies
- Main & Global Business Strategies
- Environmental Feasibility Study
- The Environment of the Project
- Internal and External Factors that affect Projects
- Marketing Feasibility Study
- Product Life Cycle
- Market Structure and Elasticity of Demand
- General Pricing Approaches & Strategies
- Cost Based Approach
- Market Based Approach
- Competitors Analysis
- Marketing Gap
- Promotion Mix
- Technical Feasibility Study
- Financial Feasibility Study
- Total Investment and Source of Funds
- Classification of Costs, BEP
- Break-Even Point
- Income Statement & Ratios
- The Expected Cash Flow
- Financial Indicators
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Expansion Projects
- Social Feasibility Study
- Social Assessment Criteria
- Teacher: Dr. Alaa Salhani

Growth and sustainability are the main goals of every organization which need effective leaders who are qualified to steer their organizations towards achieving these goals. Leadership is considered one of the most important administrative functions in any organization and one of the best indicators of organizational success and a basis for success and excellence, and it is the main element for change and improved effectiveness.
The diploma series consists of several courses, starting with the principles and theories, training and environmental leadership, and ending with situational leadership, institutional leadership and leadership style analysis. Trainees' abilities will be tested throughout the diplomas by attempting 19 practical exercises.
Course Outlines:
- Leadership Skills
- Characteristics & Styles of Leaders
- Types of Leaders & Followers
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
Leadership is considered one of the most important administrative functions in any organization and one of the best indicators of organizational success and a basis for success and excellence, and it is the main element for change and improved effectiveness. This course is designed to explain the concepts of leadership science, the basic principles of leadership, its definition, theories and laws. It is the first introductory course in the group of leadership courses.
Course Outlines:
- Basic Principles of Leadership
- Making of Leaders
- Is Leadership Innate or Learned?
- Levels and Divisions of Leadership within Organizations
- Succession Planning
- Key Terms in Leadership
- Elements of Leadership
- Leadership Definitions, Theories, and Laws
- The 9 Natural Laws of Leadership
- Differences between Management & Leadership
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

It takes more than great business skills to become a great leader – It takes strength and character. In this course, trainees will be introduced to the key characteristics that effective leaders must possess and how to determine which leadership style they most identify with.
Course Outlines:
- Top Leadership Qualities
- Characteristics that Define Great Leaders
- Unnecessary Links in Leadership
- Practical Tests
- Characteristics of Leaders
- How to Find Your Own Leadership Style
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
Leadership has been described as the ability to influence people towards the achievement of set objectives. Certain qualities make some people good leaders while others still yet make one a poor leader. Just like there are various types of leadership, are there followership types. This course details the types of leaders and followers.
Course Outlines:
- Five Types of Outstanding Leaders
- The Bad Leader
- Ethical vs. Unethical Leaders
- Why Do People Follow Bad Leaders?
- Tips for Dealing with Bad Leadership
- Followership in Leadership
- Types of Followers
- Reviews about Followership
- Why Do People Follow Leaders

Course Description:
Leaders come from all styles. The most successful leaders are keenly self-aware and can effectively adjust their styles to meet the demands of their different roles. Also, they must have several skills, and as a leader, they need to be able to analyze people, organizations, or situations.
Course Outlines:- Leadership Style Analysis
- Institutional Leadership
- Situational Leadership
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
Leadership Style Analysis course is considered as the most important personality analysis and is based on an exercise developed on the well-known global exercise DISC. It will help measure a person’s general behavioural style & preferences by looking at four personality traits:
- Dominance (D)
- Influence (I)
- Steadiness (S)
- Conscientiousness (C)
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to Personality Analysis and Styles Scale
- Types of Personalities
- Leadership Qualities
- Principles of Leadership Styles
- The Application of Leadership Principles
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
This course is designed by ALTANMYA to enable trainees to evaluate their current work or any newly established work, whether private or voluntary and to test work pillars to develop and transform it into institutional based on solid foundations that achieve growth, progress and sustainability for organizations and society as a whole.
Course Outlines:
- Institutional Equation
- Planning
- Pillars of Organization
- Competition Pillars
- Infrastructure
- Measuring Institutional Leadership
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
Leaders must have several skills, and as a leader, you need to be able to analyze people, organizations, or situations.
Situational Leadership is one of the most important theories in leadership, and it means how to deal with followers according to their abilities and attitudes, and how to change your leadership style continually to meet the needs of others in the organization based on the situation.
Course Outlines:
- The Situational Leadership Theory
- Analysis of Leaders Types
- Types of Subordinates
- Situational Leadership Laws
- Best Leadership Style
- Situational Leadership Exercise (16 cases)
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
Women make up one-half of society. She is an effective leader regardless of her position in work or life, and has a great influence on those around her. When a woman leads an organization, she must have several qualities that enable her to take matters into her own hands. Identifying women's strengths and investing effectively their energy in improving the work process and influencing positively those around them, then achieving better work performance is possible according to a clear scientific vision and a well-thought-out strategy.
Course Outlines:
- Differences in Leadership between Men & Women
- Women in Leadership Positions
- Women’s Leadership and Corporate Financial Performance
- Women’s Leadership and Corporate Administrative Performance
- The Nine Laws of Women in Leadership Positions
- The Strategic Appearance of Effective Woman Leader
- Characteristics of Effective Woman Leader
- Women Leadership Competition with Men
- Women Leaders' Strategies for Building Strong Relationships
- Women Leaders as Change Masters
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
Successful business planning needs objectives to be set and strategies to be created, implemented and measured. The Diploma in Planning will help you think effectively and use the strategic process to develop a sound understanding of the business opportunities and challenges you face. The diploma consists of two parts, each containing practical exercises developed according to the highest scientific and international standards in planning.
Course Outlines:- Strategic Planning Recent Theories
- Operational Planning
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
Successful business planning needs objectives to be set and
strategies to be created, implemented and measured. The Advanced Diploma
in Planning will help you think effectively and use the strategic
process to develop a sound understanding of the business opportunities
and challenges you face. The diploma consists of three parts and each part contains practical
exercises developed according to the highest scientific and
international standards in planning.
Course Outlines:
- Strategic Planning Recent Theories
- Operational Planning
- Personal Strategic Planning
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
In this training course, you will learn how to formulate, execute, and monitor strategic planning for your organization by assessing your current business environment, identifying strategic options for competitive advantage, and applying strategy processes at the organizational and departmental levels.
Course Outlines:
- The Importance and Definition of Strategic Planning
- Steps of Strategic Planning
- Strategic Planning Models (SWOT Analysis, PMSP, Scenarios)
- Practical Tests in Strategic Planning
- Plan to Plan (Building Planning Team)
- Review and Define Values
- Vision and Mission (Definition, Formulation, Specifications & Evaluation)
- Strategic Business Units
- Key Performance Indicators (Definition with Examples)
- Gap Analysis
- Executing the Plan
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Operational planning is the process of linking strategic goals and objectives with operational goals and objectives. It aims to provide the organization's employees with a clear vision of their tasks and responsibilities, in line with the goals and objectives of the strategic plan.
Course Outlines:
- Differences between Operational Planning and Strategic Planning
- Requirements to Develop an Operational Plan
- Linking between the Operational Plan & the Strategic Plan
- Tools used in preparing the Operational Plan, including Computers
- Key Performance Indicators and Application Mechanisms
- Follow up on the Application of the Operational Plan
- Errors in preparing the Operational Plan
- The Role of Communication in the Success of the Operational Plan
- Steps to write an Operational Plan using the SWOT Technique
- Building an Operational Planning Team
- Modified SWOT analysis
- Define Results
- Setting SMART Objectives
- Write Means for each Objective
- Timetables
- Agenda (tasks and mechanism of identifying them)
- Define Budget for the Operational Plan and Financial Coordination
- Practical Tests
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
Knowing your purpose in life is critical to your professional and personal development. Creating a personal strategic plan provides you with a compass – Pointing in the direction you want to go, helps you understand where to put your attention and energy, and how to balance the different aspects of your life. This course provides a step-by-step process for creating your strategic plan.
Course Outlines:
- Prioritization and Time Management
- Standards and Guidelines for Selecting your Career
- Building a Balanced Life
- The Five Aspects of Personal Planning
- Personal Projects and Work Options
- Talent Management and Utilization
- Summary of a Personal Strategic Plan
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
Growth is a strategic goal for all governmental and private
organizations, whether profitable or not-for-profit. Survival only is a
bad choice that must be turned into growth. This growth of people or
organizations does not happen alone, nor does it happen by chance.
Rather, it passes through scientific methodological stages that can be
planned to achieve the highest chances of success.
This course will shed light on this scientific methodology and strategic
methods that achieve growth and prosperity at the level of
organizations, and achieve success and effectiveness at the level of
individuals and leaders.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to Organizations’ Growth Stages
- Specifications of Growth Stages
- Indicator of Growth Stages
- Specifications of Death Stages
- General Rules of Organizations’ Growth Stages
- Practical Tests & Exercises

Course Description:
According to international statistics, what positively affects the
economy of the country are the entrepreneurs regardless of their
different projects, whether these projects are micro, small, medium, or even huge.
This course is designed to focus on the challenges facing them, whether there is a decrease in sales or withdrawal of customers who were provided with many services to competitors, which negatively affected the entrepreneurs due to their
feeling of insecurity and fear of their inability to continue their projects, accordingly they became more hesitant and their decisions emotional and immature.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction
- Business Environment Challenges
- Ansoff Growth Strategies
- Porter's Five Forces Quiz
- Ansoff Matrix and the Four Growth Strategies
- Market Penetration
- Product Development
- Market Development
- Diversification
- When to use the Ansoff model?
- Tests & Quizzes on the Four Strategies
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
The Project Management Professional (PMP) is the highest and most important professional certification internationally recognized in the project management area. This Certificate is awarded by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and proves that its holders have the essential project management capabilities and skills.Course Outlines:
- Project Management Framework
- Initiating the project
- Planning the project
- Executing the project
- Monitoring and Controlling the project
- Closing the project

Course Description:
The Professional Scrum Master (PSM) course covers the principles and empirical process theory underpinning the mechanics, rules, and roles of the Scrum framework.
Basic knowledge of Project Management is required to attend this training.
Course Outlines:
- Scrum theory and principles
- The Scrum Framework
- The Definition of Done
- Running a Scrum project
- Working with people and teams
- Scrum in your organization
- The role of the Scrum Master

Course Description:
This workshop will help you learn the basic principles of project management and apply new skills and knowledge in practical and live exercises. It covers the fundamental steps in every project’s life cycle and uses a real-life case study approach to follow a project from conception through to completion and final review, so focusing will be on immediate and direct knowledge transfer to the workplace.
Course Outlines:- Project Management Principles
- Project Manager - Roles and Responsibilities
- Sponsor - Roles and Responsibilities
- Functional Managers - Roles and Responsibilities

Course Description:
This course is meant to help the project management team define the best approach and strategy for setting up their Project Management Office (PMO). As there is more than one model and type of PMO and many stages that can be attained, the project team must be aware of all the underlying components that make up a successful rollout of a PMO.
Course Outlines:
- The Strategic Planning for Project Management
- Principles of Strategic Planning
- PMO Fundamentals
- The Project Management Maturity Model
- Problems with Strategic Planning for Project Management
- Case Study

Course Description:
Marketing in the 21st century is very different from its early beginnings. Today's marketers have more choices in terms of support, media opportunities, and communications. They also have more competition from varied sources, especially as the Internet has made it possible for companies around the globe to compete virtually.
This workshop is designed by ALTANMYA to introduce trainees to the 10 most important transformations in Marketing in the 21st century, which “Philip Kotler” spoke about in his famous book “Marketing Management”, and to provide trainees with the practical application of the laws that shape marketing as they affect marketers in the delivery of their marketing strategy.
Attending this workshop is as beneficial as reading Philip Kotler's Marketing Management book.
Course Outlines:
- Latest Trends in Marketing in the 21st Century - Theory & Practice
- Marketing as a Responsibility
- Customer Care
- The concept of Niche Market
- Concept of Competitive Advantage
- Indisputable Laws of Marketing
- Consumer Behavior
- The Importance of Content Marketing
- Advantages of Interactive Marketing
- Marketing Ideas & Tips to Grow Your Business
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) is your professional path to training, and it is designed to provide trainers with the competencies and know-how required to become professional trainers by covering core skills necessary for the process of training including preparation, presentation, communication, facilitation, and evaluation.Course Outlines:
- Training Fundamentals
- Difference between Training & Teaching
- Analysis of Training Needs
- Setting Training Objectives
- Templates for Creating Previous Steps (b, c)
- Training Material Elements
- Training Curriculum
- Training Activities
- Tools Used in the Training Process
- Templates for Preparing Training Package
- Training Activities and Approaches
- Selecting Training Methods
- Preparing & Using Training Activities
- Presentation Skills
- Presentation & Public Speaking Skills
- Vocal Skills, Gestural Skills, and Body Language
- Preparing PowerPoint Presentations
- Working with Display Tools: Data Show, Flip Chart, IFP
Interactive Based Training
- How could Training be Interactive
- Identifying Attendees’ Needs
- Training Laws for Adults & Children
- Dealing with Different Types of Participants
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
This workshop aims to equip you with the fundamental understanding and expertise to effectively operate in the external purchasing, logistics, and accounting departments across all import and export businesses. It signifies your ability to communicate and comprehend the global language of international trade across borders, connecting you to a diverse community of professionals, organizations, and experts worldwide.
Course Outlines:- Basic Concepts of Trade Across Borders
- RFQ - Request for Quotation
- Quotation/Offer
- Pro Forma Invoice
- PO - Purchase Order
- Payment Order (Swift / L/C, etc.)
- Packing List
- Commercial Invoice/Legalization
- Certificates of Origin, Quality, Health, and EUR.1, etc.
- Practical Cases
- Teacher: Bishr Al-Hussami

Course Description:
This workshop aims to equip you with the fundamental understanding and expertise to effectively operate in the external purchasing, logistics, and accounting departments across all import and export businesses. It signifies your ability to communicate and comprehend the global language of international trade across borders, connecting you to a diverse community of professionals, organizations, and experts worldwide.
Course Outlines:
- Basic Concepts of Freight Forwarding Industry
- SLI - Shipper’s Letter of Instructions
- Import License/Export License
- AWB - Air Way Bill
- B/L - Bill of Lading
- Tracking & Tracing
- DO - Delivery Order
- Customs Clearance Declaration
- Practical Cases
- Teacher: Bishr Al-Hussami

Course Description:
This workshop aims to equip you with the fundamental understanding and expertise to effectively operate in the external purchasing, logistics, and accounting departments across all import and export businesses. It signifies your ability to communicate and comprehend the global language of international trade across borders, connecting you to a diverse community of professionals, organizations and experts worldwide.
Course Outlines:
- Basic Concepts of Trade Across Borders & Int’l Shipping
- EXW EX Works
- FCA - Free Carrier
- FOB - Free on Board
- CFR & CIF - Cost, Insurance, and Freight
- CPT & CIP Carriage Paid to the Named Place
- DAP, DDU and DDP Delivered Paid to the Named Place
- Credit Facilities
- L/C Letter of Credit & COD Cash Against Documents
- Practical Cases
- Teacher: Bishr Al-Hussami

Course Description:
In the age of information, emailing has become a dominant form of written communication. Being able to write a polished, professional email is now a critical skill in the workplace. Yes, this workshop is NOT for academic purposes, but it will help trainees achieve this target as a part of their work. By applying the suggested guidelines, a trainee leaves a good impression and stands a much greater chance of getting the desired reply to his/her emails in the shortest time possible.
Course Outlines:
- Problems and challenges encountered
- List of priorities
- The structure of an email
- Differences between email and a letter

Course Description:
Speaking English on the telephone could possibly be one of the most challenging tasks for any English learner simply because there are no visual clues, and you cannot see the person you are talking to. This workshop will help trainees break the ice and orient them with suggested guidelines so that a trainee leaves a good impression and stands a much greater chance of getting engaged in conversations on the telephone smoothly as a part of their work.
Course Outlines:
- Problems and challenges encountered
- Oral forms of communication
- Common phrases for a caller and a receiver on the phone
- Orientation of golden rules
- Reporting

This Business Management course covers fundamental management principles and strategic planning. Participants learn key terms, the difference between management and leadership, and the strategic planning process, including models like SWOT and scenario planning. The course emphasizes practical application, covering team building, defining values, crafting vision and mission statements, understanding strategic business units, using KPIs, conducting gap analysis, and plan execution.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to Management
- Key Terms in Management
- Management Assessment
- Differences between Management and Leadership
- Strategic Planning
- The Importance and Definition of Strategic Planning
- Steps of Strategic Planning
- Strategic Planning Models (SWOT Analysis, PMSP, Scenarios)
- Practical Tests in Strategic Planning
- Plan to Plan (Building Planning Team)
- Review and Define Values
- Vision and Mission (Definition, Formulation, Specifications & Evaluation)
- Strategic Business Units
- Key Performance Indicators (Definition with Examples)
- Gap Analysis
- Executing the Plan
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
This course explores modern marketing models and concepts, including integrated marketing and the marketing mix. Participants learn about marketing services, 21st-century marketing laws, target market identification, competitive advantages, and environmental analysis (PEST & SWOT). The course covers market segmentation, targeting, positioning strategy development, and creating long-term winning strategies.
Course Outlines:
- The Modern
Marketing Models
- Modern Marketing Concepts
- Integrated Marketing
- The Integrated Marketing Mix
- Modules of Marketing Services
- Laws of Marketing in the 21st Century
- Target Market
Identification and Competitive Advantages
- Analyze the External and Internal Environment through (PEST & SWOT) methods
- Steps in Market Segmentation
- Targeting in Marketing
- How to Develop a Market Positioning Strategy
- Creating a Competitive Advantages
- Winning Strategies for the long-term
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

This Operational Planning course develops essential leadership and management skills, focusing on effective communication. Participants learn the differences between operational and strategic planning, the requirements for developing and linking operational plans to strategy, and the tools used, including SWOT analysis. The course covers KPIs, plan implementation, common errors, the role of communication, and the steps to write an operational plan, including defining results, setting SMART objectives, creating timetables, budgeting, and developing action plans. Practical tests reinforce learning.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction
- Leadership Skills and Building Leadership Capacity
- Essential Management Skills
- Effective Communication Skills (Forms, The Art of Asking Questions - The Art of Attentive Listening)
- Operational
- Differences between Operational Planning and Strategic Planning
- Requirements to Develop an Operational Plan
- Linking between the Operational Plan & the Strategic Plan
- Tools used in preparing the Operational Plan, including Computers
- Key Performance Indicators and Application Mechanisms
- Follow up on the Application of the Operational Plan
- Errors in preparing the Operational Plan
- The Role of Communication in the Success of the Operational Plan
- Steps to write an Operational Plan
using the SWOT Technique
- Building an Operational Planning Team
- Modified SWOT Analysis
- Define Results
- Setting SMART Objectives
- Write Means for each Objective
- Timetables
- Agenda (Tasks and Mechanism of identifying them)
- Define Budget for the Operational Plan and Financial Coordination
- Action plan
- Practical Tests
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
This HRM course covers core human resource management concepts and key terms. Participants learn about teamwork, organizational skills, job analysis and design, recruitment, selection, and dismissal processes, performance evaluation, and building employee motivation.
Course Outlines:
- Concepts and Key Terms in HRM
- Team Working
- Organizational Skills
- Job Analysis and Job Design
- Recruitment, Selection, and Dismissal
- Performance and Evaluation
- Building Motivation
- Teacher: Mhd Baseem Ismail

Course Description:
This course introduces fundamental financial concepts and tools for managers. It covers basic accounting principles, financial statement analysis for non-financial managers, and budget management techniques.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to Finance
- Accounting for Managers (Basics)
- Analyzing Financial Statements for Non-Financial Managers
- Budget Management for Non-Financial Managers
- Teacher: Dr. Muhannad Oukal

Course Description:
ERP systems are a fundamental pillar for the success of companies of all sizes, addressing the demands of modern business environments. This course focuses on one of the most critical aspects of business management—supply chain management. It aims to improve operational efficiency and enhance financial outcomes through accurate and instant reporting. The course is designed to deepen participants' understanding of the importance of ERP systems in optimizing supply chain management while developing their practical skills to effectively use these systems across various work environments.
Course Outlines:
- ERP Introduction
- Inventory Management
- Purchase Management
- Sales Management
- Manufacturing Management
- Point of Sale (POS) Management
- Teacher: Abdulazez Algenaimi

- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui
- Teacher: Enas Zrik

- Teacher: Diala Al Ghraoui
- Teacher: Batoul Alderani
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui
- Teacher: Enas Zrik

- Teacher: Diala Al Ghraoui
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

- Teacher: Diala Al Ghraoui
- Teacher: Batoul Alderani
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

- Teacher: Diala Al Ghraoui
- Teacher: Alaa Alahmad
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

- Teacher: Diala Al Ghraoui
- Teacher: Alaa Alahmad
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

- Teacher: Diala Al Ghraoui
- Teacher: Alaa Alahmad
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

- Teacher: Diala Al Ghraoui
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

Diploma in Translation focuses on enhancing students’ translation skills by guiding them towards making sound judgments in sentence structure and vocabulary choices in both English and Arabic. It also offers the translators the chance to receive feedback on their work and have constant follow-up to ensure they hone the skills required to become professional translators. The diploma also introduces students to the essentials of freelance work and CAT tools.
Course Outlines:
- Pre-Test Evaluation
- Translation Basics
- Translation & Grammar
- Translation Types
- Translation in Practice
- Freelance Work & Translator’s Tools
- Introduction to CAT Tools
- Essentials of Subtitling
- Writing a Translator’s CV
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

Course Description:
Translation as a Career focuses on enhancing students’ translation skills by guiding them towards making sound judgments in sentence structure and vocabulary choices in both English and Arabic. It also offers the translators the chance to receive feedback on their work and have constant follow-up to ensure they hone the skills required to become professional translators. The course also introduces students to the essentials of freelance work and CAT tools.
Course Outlines:
- Translation Pre-Test - Evaluation
- Translation Basics/Review
- Translation and Grammar
- Translation Types & Freelance Work Essentials
- CAT Tools: Intro and Practice
- English to Arabic Translation: General Translation
- Text Analysis
- Textual & Contextual Challenges
- Sentence Structure
- Reading Comprehension
- Arabic to English Translation: General Translation
- Thinking in English (Writing Skills)
- Building Terminology
- Researching Skills
- Proofreading (Peer Review)
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

The Translation Training Course focuses on sharpening students’ translation skills by guiding them towards making sound judgments in sentence structure and vocabulary choices in both English and Arabic. It also offers the translators the chance to receive feedback on their work and have constant follow-up to ensure they hone the skills required to become professional translators.
Course Outlines:
- English to Arabic Translation
- Text Analysis
- Textual & Contextual Challenges
- Sentence Structure
- Arabic to English Translation
- Thinking in English (Writing Skills)
- Building Terminology
- Researching Skills
- Proofreading (Peer Review)
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

Course Description:
Learn the essentials of subtitling and video translation. This course focuses on the best practices used in translating videos. It highlights the differences between video translation and text translation. It also introduces two major subtitling programs, sheds light on the differences between them and explains how to make the best out of them in the subtitling process.
Course Outlines:
- Essentials of Subtitling
- Differences between video translation and text translation
- Introduction to Subtitling Software
- Gaining speed in subtitling using two programs
- Highlighting the weaknesses and strengths of the two subtitling programs
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

- Teacher: Bayan Alsbeanati
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

- Teacher: Alaa Alahmad
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

- Teacher: Diala Al Ghraoui
- Teacher: Dania Ghraoui

Microsoft Excel is the most commonly used spreadsheet application that allows users to:
- Quickly store, sort, and analyze large amounts of information
- Create graphs or charts to identify data trends easily
- Perform mathematical operations with ease
Course Outlines:
- Microsoft Excel - Basic
- Microsoft Excel - Expert
- Microsoft Excel - Advanced
- Sharing Data
- Protecting Workbook
- Sharing Workbook
- Organizing Information
- Formula Auditing
- Grouping & Outlining Data
- Data Analysis
- Conditional Formatting
- Data Validation
- Consolidation
- What if Analysis
- Programming Excel
- Automating tasks with Macro
- Power Query
- Power Pivot
- Power View
- Sharing Data
- Teacher: Badruddin Al Noaimi
- Teacher: Ziad Mohammadieh

Microsoft Access is a database creation and management program that allows users to:
- Enter, manage and run reports on a larger scale
- Organize large amounts of data quickly
- Import and export to other Microsoft Office and other applications
- Ready templates for regular users to create and publish data
- Tables
- Building Tables
- Data Types
- Blocking Bad Data
- Linking Tables with Relationship
- Queries
- Select Query
- Crosstab Query
- Update Query
- Delete Query
- Append Query
- Make Table Query
- Forms
- Creating Simple Forms
- Designing Advanced Forms
- Building Navigation System
- Report
- Creating Reports
- Designing Advanced Reports
- Teacher: Badruddin Al Noaimi

- Teacher: Obada Homsi

Course Description:
The course qualifies the person to obtain the ICDL certificate which includes seven tests: the first is a theoretical assessment of the applicant's knowledge of the basic principles of computer and information technology. The other six tests are a process to evaluate the competence of the applicant in the use of the personal computer and the extent of his knowledge of applications and common computer programs.
Course Outlines:
- ICT, Hardware, Software, Operating Systems
- MS Win 7, File Management, Applications, Settings
- IT Security, Network Security, File Security
- Malware, Secure Web use & Communications
- Web Browsing, Network Concepts, Advanced Search
- MS Outlook use, Email, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks
- MS Word use, Create & Format Documents
- Insert Objects, Mail Merge, Outputs & Printing
- MS Excel use, create & manage Worksheets
- Cells, Formulas & Functions, Charts, Outputs
- MS PowerPoint use, create slides & Design
- Insert Objects, Transitions, Animations, Slide Show
- MS Access use, Database create & Relationships
- Create Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Data Export
- Teacher: Badruddin Al Noaimi

Course Description:
Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) equips you with Linux® administration "survival skills" by focusing on foundational Linux concepts and core tasks. You will learn how to apply command-line concepts and enterprise-level tools, starting you on your journey toward becoming a full-time Linux system administrator. This path continues with the follow-on course, Red Hat System Administration II (RH134).
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to the command line
- Managing physical storage
- Install and configure software components and services
- Establish network connections and control firewall restrictions
- Monitor and manage running processes
- Manage and secure files and file systems
- Administer users and groups
- Review the system log files and journal for issues
- Troubleshoot problems and analyze systems with Red Hat Insights
- Remotely manage systems with SSH and the Web Console
- Teacher: Omar Dehneh

Course Description:
This course relates to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and is specifically designed for individuals who have completed Red Hat System Administration I (RH124). Red Hat System Administration II (RH134) focuses on the key tasks needed to become a full-time Linux administrator.
The course goes deeper into core Linux system administration skills in storage configuration and management, installation and deployment of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, management of security features such as SELinux, control of recurring system tasks, management of the boot process and troubleshooting, basic system tuning, and command-line automation and productivity.
Course Outlines:- Installation using Kickstart
- Managing filesystems and logical volumes
- Manage scheduled jobs
- Access network filesystems
- Manage SELinux
- Control firewalling
- Troubleshooting
- Teacher: Omar Dehneh

Course Description:
The course is focused on deploying and managing network servers running caching Domain Name Service (DNS), MariaDB, Apache HTTPD, Postfix SMTP nullclients, network file sharing with Network File System (NFS) and Server Message Block (SMB), iSCSI initiators and targets, advanced networking and firewalld configurations, and the use of Bash shell scripting to help automate, configure, and troubleshoot the system.
Course Outlines:
- Network port security and link aggregation
- iSCSI initiator and target configuration
- DNS troubleshooting and caching name server
- Providing NFS and SMB file servers
- Apache HTTPD web server management
- MariaDB SQL database configuration
- Postfix SMTP nullclient for servers
- Bash scripting for automation
- Teacher: Omar Dehneh

Course Description:
This course provides system administrators with the tools and techniques they need to successfully diagnose, and fix, a variety of potential issues. Trainees will work through hands-on problems in various subsystems to diagnose and fix common issues.
Course Outlines:
- Use the scientific method to approach troubleshooting
- Troubleshoot boot issues
- Troubleshoot security issues
- Troubleshoot storage issues
- Troubleshoot network issues

- Teacher: Muhyidden Falioun
- Teacher: Obada Homsi

- Teacher: Muhyidden Falioun

- Teacher: Muhyidden Falioun
- Teacher: Obada Homsi
- Teacher: Tarek Odeh

- Teacher: Muhyidden Falioun
- Teacher: Tarek Odeh

- Teacher: Muhyidden Falioun
- Teacher: Tarek Odeh